Sunday, July 26, 2009

White Sands, NM

So here are some more pic from spring break on the way home. This was so much fun! The kids loved it! Although the discs were $15 each what a rip! But it was worth it, just look at therir happy faces.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Spring Break 2009

Well now that school is out for all of us I can finally put up some pictures. We went to New Mexico with our friends Angie & Graham and their 2 kids, Emerson and Atticus. We all drove in the same car (which surprisingly was not bad with 5 kids) and stayed at my best friend Kyle's campground in the Lincoln National Forrest, Camp Tall Pines. We all had a great time! We had cabins with all the amenities so it was like home in the middle of nowhere, we even had satellite TV! I think the kids loved the horses the most.

So we went out to dinner in Cloudcroft and the boys of course got in trouble (mainly Elam and Miles). I guess being the fine dining restaurant/bar that it was, it is customary to serve popcorn while you wait. I know we're used to chips and salsa but who am I to judge. Nevertheless they got it all over! I guess it is also customary to have the patrons clean up their messes! I loved it! They also ordered root beers which came in the bottles, and for some reason Elam got the bright idea to pour a sugar packet into it. (Kids don't try this at home) apparently, and to his delightful surprise, it makes the root beer foam and spew out all over. So then followed Miles, but I caught on before Jack could do it, Emerson of course wouldn't ever do this, Atti loved watching and wished he had a root beer so he could do this too. Good Times.